10 Console Commands and Config Preferences.

4.3.3 Traits, Ancillaries and Attributes.2.8 Unit Stats, Abilities and Projectiles.1.6 Converters & Special Format Editors.Items marked in italics may be of limited use, due to missing images or being superseded by later articles. Items marked in bold are likely to be widely useful and form a good starting point on the subject. please copy the link to the discussion page and note your reason for removal. If you remove a link because an item is superseded, shown not to work, etc. Tool = modding tools, for extracting, modifying, verifying, re-packing etc.Resource = lists of things that work in-game, docudemons, templates, downloads of helpful starting set-ups etc.Answer = short piece on minor topic or answer to frequently asked question.Tutorial = extensive tutorial or guide, step by step how to mod something etc.When adding items please keep to existing format with the type of article first When adding subject areas please use this layout. You are welcome to edit this page, please read these notes for guidance:. See also M2TW Modding Tutorials Category for tutorials contained on this Wiki and the M2TW Modding Category for other pages. The below listing provides links to tutorials, useful answers to common modding questions, resources and tools, divided by category. Tutorials, resources and tools for modding Medieval II: Total War: